Frequently asked questions
Where is that beautiful spot with perfect flat water ?
We run our clinic at Bahia de Los Senos, a captivating flatwater bay situated a short 25-minute drive from La Ventana. With consistent North winds from November to April, this location provides perfect offshore wind conditions that make for an exceptional flat water learning experience.
How does the booking work ?
Sign up for a week long clinic window and as soon as the we have a suitable forecast we will email you 24+ hrs beforehand to confirm which day of the week we plan to run your clinic.
Is it possible to book more than one day the same week?
Yes, if you wish to schedule more than one day in a single week, add the quantity of days in the shopping cart. We aim to run 3 days of clinics per week, wind dependent.
What's a typical day look like ?
The clinic starts at 12:00pm. We meet on the beach on the right side off the boat ramp. If you want to get there earlier, there's a nice restaurant called 1535 and the snorkeling just past the restaurant is some of the best in the La Ventana area.
From 12:00 to 12:45 we have on-land instruction. Around 1:00, we get you geared up with the appropriate size wing and foil board and hit the water. The idea is to reproduce the exercise you learned during the land lesson on the water with your wing and hydrofoil board.
During the clinic, an instructor will constantly be on a jet ski to give instructions and to tow you back upwind if needed.
While you're on the water, the other instructor will be taking pictures and videos and will be available for deeper explanations and exercises on the beach.
Happy hour
After the clinic, we wrap things up with a fun little summary of the afternoon, complete with refreshing drinks.
What if there is no wind or I need to cancel?
If there is not enough wind to run a clinic during your scheduled week, you will receive a full refund. If you receive and email telling you that you are scheduled for a particular day, you must let us know 24hrs in advance if you can not attend on that day and we will schedule you for the next sufficient wind day. No-shows without contacting us will be charged 30%.
Can I sign up for just jetski support with no clinic or gear?
The short answer is no. One jetski can only support 6 people safely and we usually sell out all 6 spaces in the clinic.